How To Get Steps While Cycling Apple Watch

How To Get Steps While Cycling Apple Watch
Samples of Apple watches

Cycling is great for burning calories and improving cardio endurance, but it’s the most productive way to get in your daily step count. There are very few ways of how to get steps while cycling Apple Watch.

Within this article, we’ll give you some ideas on how to get more steps while cycling Apple Watch, as well as other activities that can help you achieve your step goals without compromising your workout routine.

Is Apple Watch good for cyclists?

The short answer is yes. And if you’re wondering about Apple Watch versus Fitbit, we’ll have to say that both are equally good for cyclists. This is because the Apple Watch doesn’t actually track your cycling activity.

Instead, it logs your cycling time as ‘Other’ and takes into account the pedal revolutions and heart rate to determine your calories burned.

This means that it’s a more accurate assessment for cyclists than other activity trackers like Fitbit, which only measure the number of steps you’ve taken and not the intensity of your workouts.

If you’re an avid cyclist, then you probably know how important it is to track your progress and keep tabs on your fitness goals.

Unfortunately, cycling is not one of the recognized activities that you can use to track your daily progress on the Apple Watch.

How do I use my Apple Watch for cycling?

To log your cycling activity on your Apple Watch, start by choosing ‘Other’ as the workout type. You can then start your workout by pressing the red start button.

Once you’re done cycling, you can press the red button again to end the workout and stop the timer. Once you’ve started your cycling workout, you can check your workout details by swiping up on your watch face and scrolling down to ‘Workout’.

Here, you’ll see your workout duration, average speed, average heart rate, and calories burned. Unfortunately, these details will be for the entire duration of your workout and not for the time spent cycling only.

You can, however, manually log your cycling time and calories burned by tapping on ‘Cyclist’ and tapping on the ‘+’ sign next to ‘Time’ and ‘Calories’.

You may also check our article on How To Change Cycling Speed On Google Maps

What Are The Steps To Get On Apple Watch While Cycling?

As discussed above, you won’t be able to get steps while cycling on Apple Watch. However, you can try these different ways to get your daily step count while cycling:

First, try taking a break from cycling and walk or climb some stairs while listening to music or an audiobook on your Apple Watch.

Try to take frequent walks or climb stairs while cycling. Simply choose a lower intensity setting on your cycling app, such as slow or steady, and take frequent walking breaks while cycling.

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What activities can you do while cycling to get steps?

These are some of the activities that you can do while cycling to get steps:

  • Walking – if you’re in a place where you can walk and cycle at the same time, then walking can be a great way to get a step boost while cycling.
  • Stair climbing – climbing the stairs while cycling is a great way to get both aerobic and anaerobic benefits, as well as your daily step count.
  • Gardening – if you have a garden at home, then gardening can be a great way to get steps while cycling. Not only will gardening help you get some fresh air and a break from indoor workouts, but it can also help you get your daily step count and stay active.
  • Escalator or lift breaks – if you’re cycling in a public place such as a conference or convention center, then try taking the escalator or lift break to get some extra steps.

Generally, any activity that you can do while cycling, but is not cycling itself, can help you get your steps.

Alternatives to Getting Steps While Cycling

While cycling is a great exercise that can help you achieve your fitness goals, it can also be a bit limiting when it comes to getting your daily step count.

You can try any of the above-mentioned activities to get your steps while cycling Apple Watch.

  • Resisting the urge to rest your legs while cycling – while resting your legs while cycling is a good thing, you can also get steps while resting. You can simply start walking or climbing the stairs while resting your legs to get your daily step count.
  • Not overdoing it on the cycling – when it comes to taking breaks while cycling, you don’t have to exaggerate it and rest your legs for hours on end. You can simply take periodic breaks and walk or climb the stairs for a few minutes.
  • Cycling at a lower intensity – you don’t have to push yourself to the limit every time you hit the road. Instead, try cycling at a lower intensity and taking periodic breaks to walk or climb the stairs to get your daily step count.
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cycling steps

Exercises that will help you get steps while cycling

These exercises can help you get your daily step count and also enhance your cycling fitness:

  • Push-ups – push-ups are an excellent upper body exercise that can help you get your daily step count.
  • Squats – squats are a great lower body exercise that can help you get your daily step count.
  • Lunges – lunges help strengthen the lower body and can help you get your daily step count.
  • Swimming – swimming is not only a great way to get your daily step count, but it can also help you burn calories, strengthen your muscles, and improve your overall fitness level.
  • Yoga – yoga is a great low-impact exercise that can help you get your daily step count.

FAQS on How to Get Steps While Cycling

How many steps do I need to get my daily step count?

The number of steps you need to take depends on your stride and the device you’re using. For example, if you’re using a Fitbit Surge, it will take around 12,000 steps to get your daily step count. However, if you’re using an Apple Watch or any other device, it will take more steps.

How many calories does cycling burn?

The number of calories that cycling burns depends on a lot of factors such as your weight and speed. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds and cycle at 12 miles per hour for one hour, then you can burn around 300 calories.

Do I have to use my arms while cycling?

No, you don’t have to use your arms while cycling. You can simply pedal with your legs and let your hands rest on the handlebars or even in your pockets if that makes it easier for you.


Cycling is a great way to stay fit, lose weight, boost your heart health, and strengthen your muscles. However, if you’re only cycling, then you’re only getting half of the benefits from this great exercise.

You have to make sure that you’re not only cycling but also doing other activities to get your daily step count. Not only will this help you achieve your fitness goals, but it will also make your cycling sessions more interesting and engaging.

If you’re serious about achieving your fitness goals, then you have to make sure that you’re not only cycling but also doing other activities to get your daily step count.

This article has given you some ideas on how to get more steps while cycling. Go ahead and put these ideas into practice to stay fit, healthy, and productive.